Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin is one of my favorite Indy bands of all time. So when I was asked to do a critique on a complete album it was obvious for me to choose them. The album by them that I’ve decided to critique is their older album “Broom”. The reason I chose this one over their newer one (“Let it Sway”) is simply because their newer album sucks. Its way to poppy and way too main stream, but Broom on the other hand is very chill and mellow.
                The best songs on the album would definitely be Travel Song, Oregon Girl, House Fire, Anna Lee, and Anne Elephant. For an album that only has a total of 10 songs, to have 5 of those songs that are Ipod worthy is pretty good, because I hate it when I only like one song out of an entire album. All 5 of these songs have a very mellow and calming sound to them. None of the instruments are over powering so if you’re looking for a band that you can relax and fall asleep to (in a good way) this is a great band.
                Out of the 5 better songs by them my favorite one would have to be Anne Elephant. I’m kind of biased to this song because it was the first song I heard by Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin and it’s the song that really got me into them. The thing I like about this song is how it starts off pretty slow but throughout the entire song its slowly speeds up. I also like how in the intro guitar melody totally changes once the singing starts. Another big melody change is in the middle when it gets really quite and you think the song is about to end but then it slowly builds up again.
                My second favorite song would have to be House Fire just because of the calming guitar melody and how quite and almost soothing the singer’s voice is. So those are the songs by SSLYBY, and I would strongly suggest listening to them if you’re into other chill bands like DMB, Death Cab for Cutie or any other Indy bands. And once again if you like the sound of this band on the “Broom” album don’t even waste your money on their brand new CD “Let it Sway”.

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